Sunday, August 30, 2009

Day 33 and 34: Happy Hat Day

Hey everyone!

Just wanted to say hello! Thank you for all the messages you have been sending to me. I am feeling good and happy about my marrow (that is, Austin's marrow). Yesterday my brothers and Grandma visited. We celebrated Jack's birthday for the 4th time. The best part of the day was playing soccer on the field across the street. It was fun to run around with my brothers.

Thanks to Ms. Dianna for my funny Goofy hat. My family had fun trying on all the different hats you have sent. It was hilarious!

Today is just a lazy Sunday. I will go back to the doctor on Tuesday. Hope you have a nice day.


PS - Please say a prayer for my little friend Lyric.


Anonymous said...

How wonderful it was to see you on the soccer field with your family! Jack has had quite the birthday celebrating. I love the picture of everyone wearing the hats and the big smiles on your faces. Most of all it is great to see all of you together and happy. Have a great week everyone. I continue to pray for healing and strength in the days to come. Love, Ms. Pam

Aaron and Erica said...

AJ...I'm so glad you got to spend the weekend with your family. And what an answer to prayer that you felt well enough to play soccer with them! Thank you Lord!

So did you and your brothers whoop up on your dad? :)

Mrs. Parker said...

I am so happy you got to run around on the soccer field with your brothers. It looks like you had a wonderful time together. Your family looks really cool in the funny hats. Great picture! I'll be thinking about you on Tuesday. I will also say a prayer for your friend, Lyric. I miss you.
Lots of love,
Mrs. Parker

Frank and Gill Kelly said...

Hi, AJ -

We've been busy with a big Kelly family reunion here in New Jersey, but are so happy to catch up with all your POSITIVE news! Keep up the good work; indeed God is Good and His works are marvelous! Love all your hats too.

Love from the Green Brook Kellys xxxx

Kristin Claxton said...

Dear AJ,
You sure are looking good! I LOVE your family picture with the crazy hats. Your mom's flamingo hat is awesome!!
I bet you had lots of fun playing soccer. Is it beginning to cool off and feel a little bit like fall there? We have had a few tastes of fall lately. I can't wait for it to cool off so I can take Biscuit and Roxie on some long walks again!!
Thanks for the updates and I will pray for your friend Lyric.
Love always,
Mrs. Claxton

Ms. Jackie said...


I think that picture should be the Revera Family Christmas card photo. It cracks me up and I love seeing you all so happy and together.

We will add Lyric to our special prayers.

Ms. Jackie

Anonymous said...

A.J.!!!! What a great weekend you had! I will say a prayer for your little friend, Lyric. That is such a musical name; I really like it. Lyrical music is very smooth and melodic, like silk--also has a sweetness in it's quality. I am a lyric soprano; that's a particular voice type among classical singers. Well, I'm heading to bed and hope that you continue to heal and that you and your brother's marrow get stronger EVERY DAY! Great hat's in the most recent picture on the blog! Hugs to you from us...

Mary Jo & David

Lindsay said...

Hey AJ,
I LOVE the picture of you guys wearing those hats! I know it felt great to all be together. I bet you had fun playing soccer! David is playing goalie this season. He and I were trying to wash the "dirt" off of his arm the other night until we realized it was a soccer ball burn from where a ball hit him the other night at the game. Whoops! One of his spelling words is bone marrow. He has to write sentences using his words and he has the perfect sentence featuring you and Austin! We have lots of people asking us how you are doing that have been praying for you and it is AWESOME to give everyone the great news! David and Kendal are going to write you a letter after everyone in this house gets over this stinking cold! I don't want to send any germies your way.

Love you man!

Dianna Gee said...

I also agree that this should be the family Christmas card photo! Too cute. I especially love the pink flamingo hat Cindy is wearing. Actually I'm hoping my mom doesn't see it or she'll want one:) It's also super cute to see AJ wearing the hat that I sent. Thanks Cindy for telling me he likes Goofy!