Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Day 7: More Resting

One week post transplant, yeah! AJ was feeling better on Monday compared to the past three days. Of course that meant more video games for AJ and me. There was a quite a few boxes, cards and other mail over at the apartment this afternoon. It has been a few days since either Cindy or I had been there.

Thank you everyone for sending the cards, gifts, hats, etc. You all are wonderful!

The doctors continued to be happy with AJ's progress and spirits. And of course the nurses all adore him. Medically, we are waiting for the first signs of engraftment. The early signs are an increase in a blood count over the previous day's count. That should hopefully happen towards the end of the week or over the weekend. Currently, AJ's white blood count is nearly zero. But this is all to be expected.



Kaufmann said...

I am glad you had a good day yesterday. I'm sure you had fun playing with your Dad. I hope that today will be good too. That was really cool that your friend got to see you through the window. How special.


The Worcester Family said...

Hey there!

We are so very thankful to hear that things seem to be progressing along nicely! We love the updates, so please keep 'em coming!

We loved the picture of you talking with Anna on the phone! Continue to take good care of yourself and as always, please take care of your Mom and Dad. : )

We love you all!

The Worcester Fam

Mrs. Parker said...

Hey AJ,
I know you were thrilled to see Anna and her family. What a nice surprise! Continue to get lots of rest and take good care of yourself. Remind mom and dad to take good care of themselves, too. I know you are going to feel a lot better very soon. Guess what? I met your cousin Emily today at Horizon. She is doing her internship in 5th grade. We talked about what an awesome guy you are. :)
Sweet dreams and I hope you have a great day tomorrow.
Lots of love,
Mrs. Parker