AJ just got his first two letters at the hospital. One was from his buddy, Ethan. The other from his friend, Claire. He was very excited. To tell you the truth we didn't know he could get mail here. Here is the address just in case (we also check the apartment mailbox every few days)...
AJ Revera
Room 6305
Children's Hospital at Vanderbilt
2200 Children's Way
Nashville, TN 37232
That is great to know. We will be working on that!!! I am so glad that you are doing so well. Yor are a Kool Kid AJ Revera!!!
Hey AJ i'm glad to know you are feeling well. I'm glad you got my letter that had the patch and the letter in it. I also have a big yellow cast on my foot now. I hope to see you soon.
AJ and Family, please know we are keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers! Just read the latest posting and glad to know that things are going well! AJ, you are helping all of us keep things in perspective: you do have a great life, a great family and great parents who love you dearly! Life is precious and I think you understand that! Live happy, live strong, enjoy something about every day! Harold Stephens
Hi AJ - Mam oh man you are great! Sorry I haven't written lately. Crops agrowin' like weeds and the weeds are agrowin' like crops so been a bit busy. I have been keeping up with ya. Aside from the reason this is all happening, I would say this has been a great adventure. Meeting a lot of new friends. Getting an inside look into the medical field. You are awesome and I see that that awesomeness was also given to your brother. Green thumbs up to both of you.
I planted a banana tree for each of you on my farm in Farmtown. Lots of bananas good for the monkey in us. I am excited to see that you can get mail in the hospital. That is special.
Well, I got to go. Wanted to say hi and that I am very proud of you. You look just like a farmer with that red straw hat on. Perfect.
Catch ya later. Need to harvest. Farmer G.
Hey AJ,
I'm so glad you are continuing to feel so well. You are a great inspiration to all of us!! Tell mom thanks for posting your address. :)
Lots of love,
Mrs. Parker
Hi! Just wanted to let you know that our family reads your blog and prays for you every day! I'm so glad to hear that you are doing so well. We are praying for your parents & siblings too!
Dearest AJ-
So glad you can get mail in the hospital! When I lived in Spain and was away from your daddy, Grandma, and Pop Pop and all my friends for 4 months, my favorite part of the day was getting the mail! I'll be sure to send you mail today. I love you lots and keep walking those laps around the floor. Very impressive. Love, Aunt Vanessa
Dear Greg, Cindy AJ and Family. Please know the Dean family is keeping you guys in our prayers. Glad to hear that AJ is doing so well. We will pray he continues to do well.
Hi A.J.-
I hope you are feeling better and better each day. With so many prayers you just have to be feeling better!
Your dad and I used to work together. The best thing about your dad is even when the times got tough or the hours got long he always kept that sense of humor. Not everyone is great at being funny but your dad is one of the best! You are lucky to have him by your side.
So here is a joke that I hope makes you smile today. I thought it was good since your dad is a lawyer and all...
What did the Judge say when the skunk walked in the courtroom???
Odor in the Court!!
Hope you smiled! Get well soon. Give your dad a hug!
Love- Jayne
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