Sunday, July 26, 2009

Day -1: Austin Arrives

Today really was a day of rest. We watched movies and played games. AJ was feeling ok for much of the day, but was still having periods where he felt awful. Over the past couple hours he has started running a fever and that has us concerned. They will monitor the fever every half hour or so through the night.

Denice brought Austin up from Madison late this afternoon. I went back to the apartment and spent some good Daddy time with him before giving him a bath and putting him to bed. He is such a brave little guy also. He is very excited to be helping out his big brother. I read to him some of the special prayers people have sent. Cindy and I have truly been touched at the number of people and churches that have been praying for our little guys and our family.

Today, Ryan helped Austin pack his bag for the hospital. Apparently the two of them had emotional goodbye to one another. I don't think Austin and Ryan have ever spent a night apart from one another.



Anonymous said...

We are continuing to pray for all of you. It looks like you got some really cool sports stuff AJ! Hang in there and get well soon.
Andrew, Alex, Mike, & Michelle Balazsy

Mrs. I said...

What brave young men you have in your family!! You are all in my prayers.
With much love,
Mrs. Illg

Anna and Family said...

Praying for you all.


Anna, Jackie, Mike and Carly

Vanessa said...

Sending my love and prayers to AJ and Austin. You boys are so brave and strong! I love you lots, Aunt Vanessa

Ms. Melanie & Hayden said...

Hi AJ!

We've been praying really hard for you. God loves you so much He has been waking me up in the middle of the night to pray for you! Did you know He does that? Wow!! He wants to be sure someone is praying for you ALL the time.

We love all your pictures and gifts, and we can't wait to see all your crazy hats!

Much love to you all!
Ms. Melanie & Hayden

Anonymous said...

Hi guys,
I am sure it was so great to see Austin and I know that he was happy to see you all too :). What an amazing bond this will create between Austin and AJ! You guys already have such an amazing love in your family of six. What an inspiration to the rest of us! You are in my prayers all day, every day and even in the middle of the night. What awesome stuff people have sent you! A real race car driver? How cool is that?!
Love you all,

irene berkson said...

I was concerned about the fever too. The body is fighting something that it doesn't like. I'm no doctor, but as a mom, when you said he is battling hives, immediately I thought allergic reaction. I just remember that we found out Trevor was allergic to penecillan when he broke out in hives (with fever) all over. And, the hives eventually connected too each other to cover him head to toe with rash. I'm sure the docs know what they are doing, but we are all human and make mistakes. Be sure you are completely aware of everything they are doing and the drugs they are using. I think about you all the time. My prayers will continue until they are both safe at home!!!!

Unknown said...

Thinking of you and keeping you in our prayers!!

The Staff At Dr. Beitels