Saturday, September 12, 2009

Day 47: Robots and Cookies

Prior to going into the hospital Denice made AJ a little flip calendar with 100 days counted up. Each page is unique and it has been an awesome gift. Thank you, Aunt Denice.

AJ continued his studies with mom the past few days. AJ says his favorite subject is still math, but he is also liking social studies and science, especially the anatomy lessons they have been working on. AJ's clinic vist on Friday went well. Dr. Frangoul continues to be very happy with his progress. We are hoping to have some big news in the coming days. So keep checking!

Here are some hats from the week:

AJ in true form... a Monkey!

Doing school work in a Mickey hat.

On Sept 11, he wore an Airborne Ranger hat (thanks, Pat). With a great message for the day on the back...

Each evening this week, AJ and I worked on an erector set, finally resulting in a little motorized robot. It is pretty cool.

One more thank you... to Aunt Vanessa who spent last week in Madison giving Grammy a few days off.

Our Saturday ended with an evening picnic at a local park and homemade cookies by Mommy.



Anonymous said...

Hi A.J. (and Greg and Cindy)!!

I'm so glad that you are having a good weekend and that Friday's check-up was a good one. I wonder if you can feel yourself getting stronger?? I bet you can! It sounds like you are really working hard on your schoolwork as well--your mom knows what she's doing as your teacher, I bet. I rode my horse up in the hills yesterday and had a fantastic ride. My dog, Wanda, goes with me on all my rides. We did 15 miles last Friday! Well, A.J., keep up your good healing work and your schoolwork, too! Hugs to you and your mom & dad from us...

Mary Jo & David

Vanessa said...

I love the robot! And you are welcome for taking care of your brothers. Miss you all and if you see any news coverage from Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week look for me in the background, I'll be waving to ya! Lots of love, Aunt Vanessa

Anonymous said...

Hi AJ,

I think your robot is really cool! It is really neat that you are home schooling, too. We are studying the American Revolution in history and static electricity and batteries in science. What are you studying? Hope to see you soon, and I'm impressed that you run so much.


Kaufmann said...

You are a REAL trooper AJ. So are your parents and brothers and Grammy. We love all of you.