Saturday, September 5, 2009

Day 40:Roll.........Hokies!

Not too much new to share....AJ had another good appointment with the doctors. Numbers continue to fluctuate slightly, but they say that is to be expected and fluctuation would be the same in a "normal" healthy person checked as often as AJ is. His platelet count has hit an new high of 225,000 (we have one CBC from his file when he was 2 years old, where his platelets were 246,000, but as we now know they must have started to drop in that following year.)

Other than that nothing much is new. We are spending a lazy Saturday watching college football, patiently waiting for Miami to play Monday night. As for tonight's big match-up, we are a family divided....Cindy is rooting for VT (because I promised Anna I would, and she promised to root for Miami!).....AJ is rooting for Alabama....and Greg really wishes both could lose! Since no battle cry works for all three, we will stick with "GO CANES!!!"

We are a little disappointed but decided the little ones were best to stay away this weekend, with the agreement of doctors. Swine Flu is all around in Madison and even a couple of their friends have come down with it.

Here are some photos and hats from the past few days, starting with today's hat of the day.

Hat fun with Mom:

AJ loved the cookies Rhonda, Troy and Quinn sent:

Going for a jog decked out in John Deere:

Just being silly:

Hope you have a great weekend!


Jawana said...

I'm with AJ! ROLL TIDE!!!! Glad that someone is teaching him right! hehehe :)

EthanW said...

I was sick this week with a fever viris. I was going to ask if you were watching the ALABAMA game tonight.You picked a good team to root for AJ.Alabama is going to win. ROLL TIDE.

your friend,


p.s.I miss you.

Kaufmann said...

LOVE the Bama hat!!! Grant needs to borrow it for hat day on Friday in Pre-K. It is my fav so far. Roll Tide. Daniel said he knew you were smart (you rooted for Bama last night). Love you.
The Kaufmann Klan

Mrs. Parker said...

I'm with you and your other friends...ROLL TIDE!!!!! I will be cheering for the CANES tonight! I hope they have a big win.
Love you,
Mrs. Parker