Thursday, November 19, 2009

Day 115 - Please join the registry

Austin's bone marrow saved my life! I was lucky to have a sibling match. But some people do not have matches in their family. They have to have strangers that help them. Maybe you could be one of those strangers who saves a live. Please join the bone marrow registry. It is free from now until the rest of the year. It is my Christmas wish to get at least 100 people to join the registry. Please help me reach this goal. The National Bone Marrow Registry has set up a special link to help me reach my goal.

Here is how to do it:

2. Follow the directions.

3. They will send you a packet to complete and swabs for your cheeks.

4. Mail it back. You are one the registry. It is easy.

Austin is only 5 and he did! So can you! Remember you can help save a life.



Lynnea said...

What a great thing. I joined the registry when Bryson Merriweather had a drive. I had Brayden his brother in my class.

I am so thankful that your bone marrow transplant went well and that Austin was able to donate. I loved having you, Austin, and Ryan in my class. I look forward to having Jack in class soon.


Ms. Lynnea

Jawana said...

I joined last week in honor of you, so please add me to your list of 100.


Anonymous said...

I'm in bud. Count me as number 2.


Unknown said...

We are so glad that you are feeling better. I am Brianna Harris's mom and I registered today on your behalf. Brianna's daddy will also be registering for you. Keep up the good work and you are always in our thoughts and prayers. We will work hard to get as many people signed up for you as possible.
Jennifer Harris

Unknown said...

We already got one from facebook, AJ. YOU WILL REACH YOUR GOAL!

Stephen LapageI signed up too.

Your Donor ID is: 0XX8-4XX8-X
Your registration is being processed. You’ll receive your kit in about a week
about a minute

Anonymous said...

AJ--The Heath family has been cheering for you throughout this tough time. Your dad and Warne work together and swap football stories and tales about their children. Warne and I are both members of the registry. He was even contacted to donate last year, and he started the process, but then the transplant was postponed. We are thankful that your transplant went well for you and your brother. Happy Thanksgiving!
Warne, Mary Ena and Stahler Heath
Lucy Heath Duggar and Grant Duggar

Aaron and Erica said...

AJ...I just signed up in your honor!

Just wanted you to know so you could keep track...

(Carter, Jackson and Clara YouMei's mom)

DIanna Gee said...

Hey AJ-
I just signed up and I'm so proud to know you. I've enjoyed following your progress. I'm also going to post your note on my Facebook page in hopes of recruiting some of my friends to the registry. Keep up the great work. You are my hero!!


Killians said...

Hey AJ!
Mr. Paul and I signed up last spring when you first got diagnosed, but your mom said we could count toward your 100 since you are the reason that we signed up! So that is 2 more for you. We actually signed up on the same afternoon that you guys came to church with us :). I hope you and Austin are feeling better today!

Love ya!

Ms. Jackie said...


Happy Thanksgiving! I am so proud of you for starting this drive. You are such a blessing to so many and this will touch more lives than you can imagine.

I have been on the registry for years but will help spread the word.
Ms. Jackie

Jessie said...

All set! One check for the Murch crew!

Anonymous said...

I am so thankful that you are doing so well. It must have been really hard at times but you have been so strong. What you are doing for others to help them get a bone marrow transplant is awesome. I wish I could be one but I had hepatitis when I was young and they will not take my blood or bone marrow. I pray you meet your goal of 100 and I will encourage others to sign up. Have a very blessed Christmas holiday. Ms. Pam