Friday, June 5, 2009

Baseball Blast Ahead!

Tomorrow begins the big baseball explosion! Ryan and Austin have their last game of the season. My team will begin the tournament. We are the #1 seed. Our schedule will be crazy because you don't know when your next game will be until you win or lose. I am so excited! We will be at Palmer Park all weekend! GO WHITE SOX!

I am feeling great and have no bleeding symptoms. I even lost a tooth this week with no problems. And I got 5 bucks! I go for a blood check on Monday and will probably need platelets one day next week.

Thanks for sending me messages. I love reading them. And I am still dying to know who Farmer G is. All of your messages make me so happy. A big thank you to Mrs. Parker, Dr. Ricci, and the teachers at Horizon who helped fill my package. I really love all the books, and my favorite thing is the yellow blanket. I am going to save it all and take it to the hospital with me when I go. It was a big surprise.



John Sweeney said...

Have a great weekend at the ballfield! Make your Dad buy ice cream for the team if you win! Hang in there, buddy! GO WHITE SOX (although I am a HUGE Red Sox fan, Iwill pull for YOUR WHITE SOX this weekend!)

Your friend,

Grandmamargot said...

Hi AJ,
Sounds like a very exciting weekend! I hope your team goes all the way and wins the tournament!
Five bucks for a tooth? Wow, that is some generous tooth fairy! Send me a picture with your new toothless smile. Love,
Grandma Margot
P.S. Are you enjoying your geography book?

Anonymous said...

Hi AJ,
I'm so glad you liked the books. blanket, and other things in your package. I had a blast putting it together! I just got home from Tampa and Orlando tonight. We had a great time. I'm glad you are having a good summer. It sounds like you have been really busy. How did the White Sox do? I miss you!
Mrs. Parker